Saturday, August 14, 2010

Great story on someone who makes the most of one's station in life

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." ~Erma Bombeck

Sometimes we tend to beat ourselves up comparing ourselves with others that seems to have the talent and abilities, but the point is that we are different and we need to make the most of what we have been alloted in our individual station in life. Here's a heart warming story of someone who seizes life and make the most of it despite many obstacles....

The extraordinary glass doll

2010-08-12 18:03
Chen’s mother has been taking exceptional care of her since she was young, and has supported her to go on with her life in a meaningful way.

Photo courtesy: Sin Chew Daily

She has been suffering from osteogenesis imperfect that has caused her body to become atrophic and unable to walk. She is called "glass doll" even though her heart is not made of glass…

The "glass doll" Chen Jing Qi has an unusually strong mind that has helped her through the darkness of life. Through self study, she has finally published her own book aimed at inspiring other people through her extraordinary experiences.

Self study at home

During an interview with Sin Chew Daily, Chen admitted that she had not gone through any formal education after kindergarten due to the lack of special schools suitable for her at that time.

Moreover, she was rejected by ordinary primary schools and was forced to end her school life. Nevertheless, the eagerness to study was still burning inside her heart and she has since begun her self-studying life at home.

In order to learn, she would accompany her elder sister to the tuition centre and sit beside her so that she could learn from. After a couple of years, she began to listen to music at home and she took down the lyrics of her favourite songs.

She has improved her vocabulary from the song lyrics, and has put in greater effort than ordinary people learning from home. She wanted to have a bright and colourful life and refused to become illiterate.

Sharing stories on blog

When she is at home, Chen enjoys sharing her stories through her online blog and this has indirectly helped enhance her writing skills.

One day, a friend suggested that she write a book in order to share her stories with more people.

To motivate other children suffering from similar condition, Chen has authored a book A Happy Life Journey Without Footprints based on her own experiences.

According to her, during the month she was writing the book, she would recall the past events and would put on a smile savouring the lighter moments in her life. She never thought of giving up writing as writing remained her main interest.

Inspiring parents with disabled children

Her main objective of writing the book was to encourage parents who have disabled children not to give up or abandon their children even if they are physically imperfect. She believes all handicapped children deserve happy and cheerful lives like her given the loving care from their parents.

Chen enjoy sharing her life experiences with other people, and has therefore made plenty of friends who remain faithful to her till this day.

Chen has an elder sister, a younger brother and two younger sisters, and she sees her family as her greatest support in her day-to-day living as well as a source of happiness.

Even if she has a rather tiny build, she has a big faith that has helped her maintain an always cheerful mind.

Chen Zhao Min, a local young lady of note, recently launched her book Being Rebellious and invited the "glass doll" Chen to share her experiences with her.

Chen Zhao min hopes her readers would understand that instead of go after the meaningless material life, they should cultivate their spirituality and gain back their self dignity. (Translated by LIM LIY EE/Sin Chew Daily)

Source from : ( Sin Chew Online News)

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