Thursday, July 8, 2010

Income Tax... No refund yet

I submitted my income tax nearly 3 months ago sometime in mid-April thru the online submission or E-Online but haven't received my refund yet. Not sure what is the reason for the delay, since I just saw an article in the newspaper  2 days ago that 95% of those who overpaid their taxes were refunded totalling about $10.8 billion. That got me thinking about sending a mail to the IRB.  They just replied to me yesterday and referred my case to the Penang office.  I did see some articles too that the IRB sometimes out of blue will send you a love-letter that tells you that you instead owe them some back-dated taxes.  ( Not sure what is going on, anyways keeping my fingers crossed that they will let me know if I still will get my refund cheque.

Below are some of their contact info from the e-mail...

In the event you required further information on this matter, kindly liaise with Encik Norhisham bin Mohd Khafid
the Public Relation Officer of the branch at:04-2620280 / 04-2612255 ext 43234
or at his email address: /

Should you need further assistance, kindly contact our Customer Service Centre at :

Quick Reference :
Salary Group (No Business Income) :  03-4289 3600
Business Group (Self-Employed/ Partnership) :  03-4289 3700
e-Filing :  03-4289 3535

Main Line :  1-300-88-3010 or 603-4289 3500 (Overseas)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

George Town World Heritage 2nd Anniversary is Today

Today is the 2nd Anniversary for George Town being declared as a World Heritage Site. The state declared a public holiday today but not all corporations observed it.  Bummer.  Anyways, here is the link to all the events..